What attracts people to the Raw & Living foods program?

  1. Health reasons – feeling all around health improvements, more energy, greater mental clarity, weight loss, stronger immune system, improved digestion, detoxification, and improved alkaline/acid balance.
  2. Taking responsibility for our own health by choosing not to eat, chemical laden, processed, genetically engineered, convenience, packaged and cooked foods.
  3. Seem to develop greater perspectives, sensitivities, mindfulness and conscious awareness to life, food, animals and each other (personal observation).
  4. Respecting and appreciating the earth and animals.
  5. Feel more in harmony with nature. (personal again)


Where do you get your protein on a Raw & Living diet?

Fruits have about 5% of their calories from protein. Vegetables have 20 to 50% of their calories from protein. The dark leafy green veggies are rich in amino acids, which are the building blocks for protein. Sprouted seeds, beans, and grains contain from 10 to 25% of their calories from protein. Also sea veggies and the green algae products such as Spirulina and Chlorella (60 to 70% protein) can be added to your green smoothies.

If you are eating any variety of fresh organic plant foods you are getting enough protein.


How are you getting your good fats in this program?

Organic avocadoes, seeds, nuts, coconut and raw olives are all healthy fats. Cooking fat is where we change the molecular structure of the fat cells into “trans” formation. This is our health challenge with both animal fats and vegetable oils.


What is the difference between Raw and Living Foods?

Raw and living foods both contain the all important enzymes in its natural uncooked state. Seeds, nuts, and beans contain enzyme inhibitors (dormant state) and should be soaked before using. This is referred to as the “living foods.”