Raw, living foodsRaw and living foods are uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains.  The living food program is eating organic foods in their vibrant and natural state, eliminating chemically ridden, processed and genetically modified organisms from their diet. When you eat raw and living foods, you are feeding your body with live foods enriched with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, proteins, good fats, with a healthy acid alkaline balance.

raw-foods-textAccording to research done by the Max Planck Institute for Nutritional Research in Germany, has found that the complete vegetarian proteins, those with all eight essential amino acids, are superior to, or at least equal to, animal proteins. They showed that these complete proteins were available in various concentrations from sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, buckwheat, all leafy greens and most fruits.

When I first checked out this diet in the 1980′s there was only wheat berries and wheat grass juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I moved on quickly to greener pastures.  Now, there is an amazing number of delicious recipes made with raw and living food to replace every known mainstream favorite meal and dessert.

raw-living-foodsMost of us know that eating food that is good for us will create better health in our life but we still seem to need proof or motivation before we make any changes in our life.  Maybe this mind set is because we are tired of hearing about a “new diet” every month that promises to make us younger, loose weight, grow hair and become sexier.  I have personally tried most of them.

It is also important for you to do your own research on the foods that are sold commercially that you are purchasing for your family.  Most the foods that we ingest are fast food, junk food, processed, refined, irradiated, adulterated, pasteurized, microwaved, overcooked and full of additives, preservatives, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics and now genetically engineered foods.  How do we expect our bodies to stay healthy throughout our lifetime when we are ingesting nutrient dead and chemicalized food?????

Cooking food (according to Max Planck Institute) disrupts RNA and DNA structure and destroys most of the nutritive value of fats, and produces free radicals in fats and coagulates the bioactive mineral/protein complexes and therefore disrupts mineral absorption, such as calcium in pasteurized milk.

Raw and the living food program shouldn’t be thought of as a diet that we can’t wait to complete, but a lifestyle.  The raw and living food is meant to bring us vibrant health and energy without stress of another required activity.  It integrates into all areas of our lives: more awareness and mindfulness in how we treat the earth and the food it provides us, how we treat the animals and each other with respect and appreciation, receiving vibrant health and feeling more love and happiness in our hearts.